Saturday 17 May 2014

Clementswood Crime update in brief!

Richmond Road has been a main target to combat Antisocial Behaviour over the past few months and has reportedly calmed down now, although this could be also due to the colder weather.

A dispersal order is now in place for Ilford Lane and for most parts of the Town Centre which means groups of two or more can be asked to leave the area if suspected of any type of Antisocial behaviour, including drinking alcohol.

Operation Clearlight dealing with prostitution in Ilford Lane is still high on the agenda.  Clemenstwood Police advise us that they have "probably reduced prostitution by half and made a real big difference."

Crime in the Town Centre is now down 21% which means 1 in 5 fewer crimes happening. This is due to various initiatives ie static patrols, Operation Swift, Operation Holly etc.

Cyclists are continuing to be targeted and zero tolerance for drinking alcohol and low level petty crime, remains in place.

Homelessness support is being given by local Police. They have advised us that "Probably 100% of our homeless have been given leaflets, advice, contact numbers and advice of how to help themselves as well as contacting our partner agencies on their behalf."  This support is continuous.   

 The reported situation on illegal workers in the High Road is getting worse. However we ahve been advised "The UKBA recently had a major ‘hit’ on the illegal workers in the High Road with good results."

Members of the Panel reported the following items:

Arabian Lounge opening hours exceed the planning permission.  Local Police have confirmed that this is currently being monitored by Redbridge Planning.

An old lady who lives in Ilford has been seen begging on a train. Clementswood Police advise us that British Transport Police have been informed.

Local buses have been full of litter. STT informed.
Certain cars on Connaught Road  look suspicious. Patrols will be increased to this area to determine wheteher any criminal activity is taking place.

Undesirables outside Ilford British Rail Station selling ‘stuff’ at about 2300-0000hrs. Clementswood Police said; "We are Looking at installing ‘pink’ lighting around the area of Dixy Chicken and Ilford Hill. A lot of work is on-going around this area by ourselves, the Town Centre team, plain clothes units and also Safer transport. Arrests have been made and there is a lot of intelligence that should result in more arrests." 

Pink Lighting has the affect of distorting teenagers countenance and has proven to avert them form areas where installed. (Click her for more on pink lighting)

Wilson spoke about the brothel at 74 Gordon Roada local resident followed some young women who were sticking "massage" stickers on lamp posts in the area.  Mayfield Neighbourhood Police were made aware of this by the Clementswood Team and Wilson Chowdhry directly and a special operation is underway.

Fitness First has become a lounging spot for homeless people. Clementswood Neighbourhood Police said; "We have been working closely with the Manager and staff and have advised on a number of ways to combat this problem."     

Useful numbers:              

Police Non Emergency Number 101
Council ASB out of hours 0208 478 4679

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