During a recent visit to Durham Place whilst delivering Green Party newsletters to residents of Clementswood Ward, Wilson Chowdhry our local Green Party Activist was asked by a Loxford resident to look into a long term antisocial behaviour problem.
Rather then taking the usual political angle held by many of our local politicians, who would generally ignore the concern as "the incident is not in our patch," and would pass on the complainant to other local activists, Wilson Chowdhry challenged the local Loxford Neighbourhood Police Team to resolve the matter. The Local team has responded very positively, here is the content of their email:
Mr Chowdhry
We are aware of the area and the
Myself and a colleague went down there on Wednesday and
Thursday and on both occasion dealt with 2 separate groups of
We told both sets of groups to leave which they
At this point in time I will visit [number deleted] Durham Place and
also speak with the ASB team at the council. I believe it was them who arranged
for the original barrier to be put in but I will ask if there is anyway of
getting a fence to block the area off completely
Stephen Towler
Loxford Safer neighbourhood team
We will keep monitoring the situation for you and will update you on any further developments.